How to Find the Perfect Niche for Your Blog

A lot of the times, people tend to forget to consider the very basics of creating a blog while focusing on wider ideas. To find an audience, getting your blog monetized or find the right direction for your blog really just depends on finding a blog niche that is right for you. But while focusing on ideas first question would be how to find the right niche for your blog. So, considering the following steps will help you do just that:
  1. Testing Your Knowledge
Writing a blog is very similar to a monologue. An intensive and one-way conversation. Important as it is to stick to your passion, you must know about the topic you undertake. You can be passionate about something and not possess a great knowledge of it, but if you are to invest in what you are knowledgeable about, passion is likely to develop with time.
Sit with your friends or alone and figure out what you can talk about fluently and efficiently for hours. Good content is the very result of good knowledge. Familiarity and understanding about one thing can often trigger you to go on and on about it, and it’s easy to get indulged in topics you are familiar to.
  1. Checking The Market Position
An essential step is to predict where your blog might stand in the market logically. If it has no place for the bigger market, it is likely not to survive. Make it your goal for the blog to not just survive but also thrive. Making the mistake of blindly following one’s passion will outcome in a short-lived blogging career.
Keep your logical, emotional and financial aspects in view while picking a topic. The headings you come up with may be provocative, but if you have little knowledge of it or just do not feel the content you create, it is quite easy for the audience to detect that through your tone and get bored. Therefore, find out what you know about and figure out its market position. Looking these up on Google Trends or making general market research will be a great help.
  1. The Bigger Picture
Considering your blog from the audience’s point of view will make you analyze things in the bigger picture, leading you to a more fruitful path. Put things in perspective, evaluate your own content critically before putting it out. This aids greatly in keeping up with the flow.
There are always advancements being made, whatever you choose to write about. When you start considering the bigger picture, you understand if your material is putting up with those advancements. If you choose to create a Holistic Nutritionist blog, you must be keeping up with the new studies and researches being made about it. Cite these studies and include your newly acquired knowledge about it. This will not only make your content seem innovative, but you can compete fairly with other people writing about Holistic Nutrition.
  1. Strategizing
Thinking long term will make you strategize your choices. Collect facts and data to help you make you decide your topic. You can either check on Uberfacts or check on GoogleTrends the keywords that have a rising trend and calculate the trends for the next 5-10 years.
Evaluate if you are passionate about one phenomenon at present, will be passionate about it after ten years with the same intensity? One good strategy can be to pick a wider topic, like style and beauty, and narrow down according to the interest of your audience and the prevailing trends. Style and Beauty is a general topic that can encompass lots of other sub-topics. This way, you won’t have a target audience, and you can create content for a larger audience.
Lookups the keywords, where you find a lot of competition. Having competition means other bloggers are discussing the same topic and it’s the trend. Do your own searches. Google search for your niche blog, see if you can find popular websites producing content about it. Let competition be a source of motivation to you, don’t let it intimidate you!
Similarly, look it up on Facebook or Twitter as well. Check if the related Facebook pages are attracting a big audience. Search on Twitter if they have a lot of followers but most importantly, search for your niche in paper magazines. If someone is going through the investments of printing content on your niche, you can rest assure that people will be looking for it online. Make sure you are providing a different perspective than others. Remember, always be innovative and never stop expanding your own knowledge.
These signs help you determine whether your topic has potential or not.

  1. Profitable
To determine sustainability, you must make sure it’s a profitable niche. Check for any affiliates, partners or sponsorships. These will act as a backing and protecting source for your blog if your purpose is to create profit.
To look into these, you can go to Affiliate Marketplace websites. There are several of these that not only help to make your blog accessible to these markets but also to fish out the best possible choices. If you want to look into whether other people with your niche are creating a good sum of profits, you can go to Alltop and check what they are doing to monetize their blogs. This will give a great peep on how to function when you have competition.
Another profitable tactic is creating a team. A team will mean more people, more brains, more ideas, and more quality content. Consider this, if you suddenly lose your passion or are suffering from a writer’s block, any member of they could take over. This will help to ensure the continuous activity of your blog.
By the end of these steps, you should have the perfect idea of how to start with a good title and then brainstorm on it. The best niche you can opt or choose for your niche after reading this article a clear image of it is built in your mind. So, for what you are waiting for, let’s start writing a blog.